

We had a Web Development Leaders Weekend Retreat this fall and it went great.  The guys headed down there Friday after lunch, for a weekend of team building, leadership training, male bonding, and some chillin’ n’ grillin’…  Oh and there was some golfing too!  Can you say FORE?!  The retreat was also to give a big “thank you” to the leaders for working so hard on the new site and to show them how much we appreciate their willingness to serve the team in so many ways.

the-five-dysfunctions-of-a-teamDuring the retreat the guys discussed the book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, and took the team assessment associated with the book.  After they reviewed their survey results, the team went over what they could work on improving as everyone was given a voice to share their ideas and opinions.  Later on in the weekend they also discussed vision and plans for the future.


Friday night, the guys barbecued some hamburgers and hot dogs and just had a good time hanging out with each other.  That night, Jon gave the guys a special gift he purchased for the team of an engraved picture frame for each of the team leaders that had a group shot of the guys in it and had engraved “…BY EXAMPLE” on the bottom half of the frame.  This phrase is a model these guys go by to remember to lead their teams “by example.” With the frame also came hand-written notes to the team leaders from their team members.  I believe it was a great boost for their relaxing weekend to hear how much they were appreciated from the teams they lead.

Saturday morning they headed to Blackberry Ridge Golf Course and played 9 holes!  They had a total blast!  Some had never golfed before so it was a fun experience for all.

Sounds like the trip was a success!  Thanks goes to God that we are we able to do what we do everyday!  Each day is a gift and to be cherished.


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